Unlock the Future of Advanced
Imaging Solutions in MRI
An exclusive event with unprecedented insights into cutting-edge imaging technologies that embrace a wide range of clinical applications.
International and renowned expert users will share their experiences related to:
- Weight-bearing MRI,
- Interventional spine procedures,
- Dynamic MRI imaging.
This a unique opportunity to become part of a global scientific community, with peers from all over the world.Top-level experts will share their knowledge of the latest advancements in MRI spine imaging to empower you to make more informed clinical decisions.
Join us for a day of education, collaboration, and exploration to discover how advanced imaging is shaping the future of interventional procedures and functional assessment.
In collaboration with ESNR ISFH 2024 International Spine Full HandsOn “Europe”
Please follow the link for more information about this exclusive event:https://www.esnr.org/en/spine-interventional-neuroradiology-full-hands-on-course-6627/


Prof. Luigi Manfrè
Director of the Course, Chairperson for Spine,
European Society of Neuroradiology ESNR,
Director of IOM - Italy

Allan Brook
Co-Director of the Course, Division Head, Neuro-
interventional Radiology, Montefiore Medical
Center, Professor of Clinical Radiology,
Department of Radiology Professor of Clinical
Neurological Surgery - USA

Mikael Boesen
MD, Ph.D. - Department of Radiology and The
Parker Institute, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg - Denmark

Kai Vilanova
Director MRI Clínica Girona, Director School of MRI-ESMRMB Girona - Spain

Matteo Bellini
Head Spine Interventional Service, Unit of Neuroimaging and Neurointerventional dept of Neurological Sciences Hospital Santa Maria alle Scotte - Italy

Maurizio Fornari
President Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Head of Neurosurgery dept, Humanitas - Italy

J. Levi Chazen
M.D., Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY - USA

Harsh Mahajan
Founder & Chief Radiologist at Mahajan Imaging - India

Joshua A. Hirsch
Co-Director of the Course, Past President of ASNR,
Chief Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Director,
Interventional Neuroradiology/Endovascular
Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital - USA

Wende Gibbs
President of the American Society of Neuroradiology ASSR, Director of Spine Imaging and Intervention Dept. of Neuroradiology Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ - USA

Johann Wolfgang Rechmeier
Specialist in Diagnostic Radiology, Nuclear Medicine Radiology & Nuclear Medicine for OPEN MR Back and Joint Therapy & Thyroid Diagnostics
- Germany

Letterio Salvatore Politi
Full Professor and Director of the
Radiodiagnostics Residency School, Humanitas
University; Director of Neuroimaging
Research,Boston Children's Hospital - Italy

Alessandra Splendiani
M.D., University Hospital S. Salvatore, L'Aquila.
Full Professor of Radiology. Dept. of Radiology University of L'Aquila - Italy

Francesco Arrigoni
MD, MSK Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist, L'Aquila - Italy

Nicolas Amoretti
University Hospital Center of Nice | CHU Nice · Interventional scanner, osteoarticular imaging - France

Giuseppe Monetti
Head of Diagnostic Imaging Primus Forlì Medical Center, Istituto Codivilla Putti - Italy
During the Advanced Imaging Solution for Spine Interventional and Spine Functional Assessment meeting, international and renowned expert users will share their experience by presenting clinical studies and addressing important practical issues.
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